Saturday, June 30, 2007

Shopping day 2

Firstly the reason i didn't blog yesterday was cause yesterday was a boring day. around these parts thursdays are recover from tj days so we didn't do anything. today was another shopping day but i was much more constrained. todays shopping included:
1 american football top
1 basketball top
1 CK Hoodie
2 shirts
2 tank tops
1 SoCal hoodie

so all in its a great day. no major plans for the weekend, maybe just seaworld someday, and a visit to the other lads the other.

Talk soon

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Its TJ Motherf***er

So i survived my trip to tj. it was only ok, not amazing by any stretch. the best thing that i told no one was that we had a strech Hummer take us down and then collect us at the us border at 6. it was so cool, proper pimped!!
So we make it to the border and its just a short walkl through to the mexican side. and strtaight away its sticking together time, everyone groups together to make sure we're all safe. and it was one boy to each group to make sure.
We grab the nearest taxi and my god it was an eye opening ride, no seatbelts and road markings ha, a mere suggestion. We gewt to the door of the club and see a big queue of irish waiting there. finally make it in and it was so wierd. i had only been in Henrys once but it looked like a run down version of the downstairs bar, u know bare stone and tiles, bumps everywhere. so straight away its waiters coming up asking what u want, but the girls had warned us that these are the ones who could spike your drink so we steer clear and make for the bar. so 5 o clock rools by and its back across the border to the US and our awaiting hummer. and thats it, i'm finallly back at the house now and the rest of the house are asleep or going to sleep which seems like an amazing idea so i might just do that. plan for today is..... well..... none as of yet. My self and cian are thinking about a run to kfcs for our dinner/ breakfast.

Till next time see ya

Other half from the shopping adventure

so after i had finished the previous blog i realised there was so much more to write about. Yesterday started with a bus ride to a kinda Capwell station kinda thingy where u can get off a bus and get on a Trolley (san diego version of a tram) or a normal train.
the plan for yesterday had been to go to carlsbad outlet centre but upon arriving at the station we discovered the next carlsbad train was 2 hours away. so we decided to go to Las americas which is a stones throw from the mexican border. so we jump on a tram and after about 22 stops we arrive at the end of the line. following a conversation with a police man who told us, for god sake don't go left, left is mexico, if u end up at a gate your in mexico, we went over to a street out of Desperados or Shane! after about ten minutes we arrive at the mall, its lik a mini village and the atmosphere was lik nothing back home. and stuff was so cheap. so after 5 hours and $370 i was done. then we jumped back on the bus and came home. so thats the sceal. and i'm off to tijuana tonight.
till next time, see ya

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

day 3

also known as shopping day, aka the day a boy out shopped girls. Thats right, i kicked ass at an outlet centre. i went, as the girls call it, on a wreck! i spent $370, whuch seems a lot, but in euros its just 280 so its not bad for the amount i got which is:
4 shoes
1 flipflops
1 hoodie
2 jeans
2 shorts
2 shirts
3 t shirts
1 jocks
All designer, all kick ass. So all in all an amazing days shopping
Now i'm exhausted and just tucking into pasta and watching apocalypto.
Great stuff
see ya later

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Day 2 Part 2

Today was quiet enough, all we did was go to the beach, then BK the shopping for dinner, which was my turn to make, and now we're just sitting around watching super sweet sixteen drinking cans.
Tonight as i said was my turn for dinner, and i made the family specialty of cajun chicken in a pitta and my god, i thought yeah i'd be used to it, not that spicy, oh my shit was it hot, in fact i'm bringing 5/6 jars of seasoning home with me, cause u can't get it at home and its brilliant! but yeah thats been my day so far, just running off to my shower in a minute.
Tomorrow is shopping day, we're off to Carlsbad, a town a little bit north of us, there is a outlet store so plenty of shopping to be done. it opens at 10 and the girls want to be there before it opens.
Talk soon. and Ha to the crap weather at home

Monday, June 25, 2007

Day 2-ish

so last night we went to a beach party.
It was packed with irish. it was ridiculous. and every once and a while the cops would roll past and shine a torch over everything from the boardwalk and then just keep rolling. it seems that the only way you could get caught is if u were too drunk to react, or too stupid to notice cause we were able to see them from about a quarter mile away and everyone knows what to look out for. its currently 11.13 on monday morning and the rest of the house (apart from the one girl who works) are still in their bedrooms, i'm on the couch and couldn't really sleep so i got up early and had a bite to eat and a shave and so forth cause god knows if i wait till later i just won't get one. the plan for today, although i haven't had a chance to suss out with the rest, is to go to Target and pick up blow up beds for one of the girls who is currently sleeping on cushions from the couch i sleep on. oh and just for people who do't know, the house is consisted of a kitchen, dining room/sitting room, bathroom, a bedroom for cian and caroline, and 2 bedrooms with Dora, Kate, Fiona, Virg and Ciara spread out between them and then me on the couch.
The computer i'm currently typing on is shite too, its windows 98, and my phone can't connect to it so i ca't upload photos. this sucks. but i'm loving my time over here, and of course missing everyone at home too, but its been a good few ours, i'm still in double figures here like!!!
Oh and i found the best drink in the world,. its called Vitamnwater, its unreal, i've become kinda addicted to it. i'll explain more when i get home
Till my next blog, which will probably be in a few hours, talk soon.

New feelings on san d

So i've finally been out in san d. today we went food shopping and i had my first real shock. a bunch of grapes = $4. 8 apples = $4 the hell like!!! but other stuff is ridiculous cheap. a litre of rum is $20 thats morgan spice rum. more stuff is wierd here. cheerios isn't 4 grains of goodness, but one shit grain type. but we got lucky charms, but i'm yet to try them. we went to the beach as well and police patrol on quads, and so do lifeguards who have the authority to hold u if u're under underage.
so thats all i've done in the past 22 hours since i came here.
see ya soon

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Numero uno from San D

hey hey hey, first one from san d, which can only mean one thing, i made it safe and sound. Pretty straight foreword in the end.
It goes lik this:
17.00: leave home for bus.
5.00 check in in dublin.
7.00 flight leaves from dublin for heathrow
8.30: arrive in london just ahead of cian
10.00 checked in and quick dash to jacks after the screening
11.15 virgin flight leaves from london(i gots the free stuff too)
14.00: checked through in chicago, all that crap done and looking for food
14.30 have first american dog
16.30 on flight to san d
20.00 arrive at house then

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


So i'm more or less settles in work, its ok, lot of heavy lifting and repetition but otherwise ok.
I'm off to th eD on saturday morning so most of my blogs for a while will be from san d.
Results are out on friday about an hour before i go to dublin which quite sucks. i'm so nervous its ridiculous. of late whenever i stop working i instantly think of how many days till results. even now i'm getting a knot in my stomach. But San diego should help.
Anyway enough for now, must go watch Mr Whelans Vid Blog from china, looks quite good.

Till next time
Take care