Thursday, June 28, 2007

Other half from the shopping adventure

so after i had finished the previous blog i realised there was so much more to write about. Yesterday started with a bus ride to a kinda Capwell station kinda thingy where u can get off a bus and get on a Trolley (san diego version of a tram) or a normal train.
the plan for yesterday had been to go to carlsbad outlet centre but upon arriving at the station we discovered the next carlsbad train was 2 hours away. so we decided to go to Las americas which is a stones throw from the mexican border. so we jump on a tram and after about 22 stops we arrive at the end of the line. following a conversation with a police man who told us, for god sake don't go left, left is mexico, if u end up at a gate your in mexico, we went over to a street out of Desperados or Shane! after about ten minutes we arrive at the mall, its lik a mini village and the atmosphere was lik nothing back home. and stuff was so cheap. so after 5 hours and $370 i was done. then we jumped back on the bus and came home. so thats the sceal. and i'm off to tijuana tonight.
till next time, see ya

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